None of us likes thinking about the possibility of a hurricane heading towards our boat, but it’s a
reality of cruising. The good news is that weather forecasting generally gives ample warning for you
to be well prepared. Having a solid plan – before a storm is bearing down on you – for where you
will go and how you will prepare the boat is key.
Twice the eyewall of a hurricane has passed over Carolyn’s boat: Hurricane Irma in the Florida Keys
in 2017 and Hurricane Marty in the Sea of Cortez in 2003. Both times, her boat suffered no damage
while numerous nearby boats were lost or had major damage. After each, and numerous other
storms, she has studied why some boats survived and others had catastrophic damage.
With pictures and video showing every detail, Carolyn will discuss issues such as: What should you
do before hurricane season to be ready for a large storm or hurricane? How can you cruise during
hurricane season? What do you do to prepare the boat once a hurricane is forecast? When should
you evacuate? How do you stay safe after the storm?
Learn proven strategies for cruising in hurricane water and giving your boat its best chance in the
event of a storm. Show your insurance company that you are serious about your hurricane plans: a
certificate of completion will be given to all attendees.